Monday, June 30, 2008

Fun in France

We love Castles!!
hitchhiking on a lightly traveled mountain road = a beautiful hike on a lightly traveled mountain road


Candice BĂșn said...

you 2 are ADORABLE and i love these photos. be blessed in your travels! - candice

Lori Harris said...

I am totally thrilled for you both and I want a "SHOW" of the pics you really took when you get back. Blessings, MOM

Tamara said...


you guys are looking more and more like real travelers!

Doug Rittenhouse said...

WOW!!! I'm stoked for you guys!! Beautiful areas... Awesome experiences... cycling in the storied French mountain ranges... camping in CASTLES???? Are you kidding?? Great... Great... and Great!! If you guys get tired while cycling... here's a tip: Find the TOUR riders and see if they have any "pick-me-ups!!" :)

Mark said...

Roads like that exist for the sole purpose of teasing me. Cool stuff.