Saturday, August 2, 2008

Relaxing in Style

After the bicycling up that blasted hill, which Eric so loves (and by the way, on the way down, I took a corner too hard and ate it going super fast. Now I have some lovely rode rash, but it was worth it), we again found ourselves so blessed by friends we have made on this trip. Pat, who we sailed here with, has a second home in the Alps, about 80 kilometers from Alpe d'Huez in Bourg St Maurice, and she let us take advantage of it for a while. So after sleeping in fields for a little, we again found ourselves in great comfort in a 3 bedroom, properly equipped apartment. We spent a few days relaxing and hanging out with some of Pat's great UK friends. We almost missed our train out of Bourg St Maurice leaving a small party with our new friends, finding it so hard to pull away.
*Pat you are the best!!! Thank you so much!*

Being close to the border, we hitchhiked through Italy back up to Chamonix, where we met up with one of our friends, got her to get her car, and headed back into Italy for some Italian dinner. It is such a nice concept to be able to just hop across the border to Italy for the day.


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